Presentation titled "OS Evolution: Monolithic to Microkernel to Multi-kernel" [EW2020]

OS Evolution: Monolithic to Microkernel to Multi-kernel

OS Evolution: Monolithic to Microkernel to Multi-kernel

Most people consider the OS design like a completed piece of work, and concentrate on higher software layers in their system. This could not be further from the truth: research is still strong on operating system design, and increased software concurrency and parallelism, as well as safety and security concerns are pushing towards new designs.
While it is mostly approved that a microkernel design leads to a more robust system, scaling up the number of cores and running a single OS over a distributed platform remains a critical step for next-generation computing.
This presentation focuses on the more recent design in the Operating System field, the multi-kernel approach. It will first cover the history of using monolithic design, then microkernel to improve separation memory-wise, and the evolution towards a multi-kernel design for separate CPU management.
Some performance concerns and results will also be discussed.
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Rolland Dudemaine, Dipl. Ingr., eSOL Europe S.A.S.